Click on a date to read my comments for the date listed.
April 15 | The miles are adding up. |
April 30 | Getting ready for a double century ride. |
May 3 | Habitat for Humanity National Day of Prayer breakfast. |
May 4 | Two bikes, two rides. A ride with the guys from Bridgestone/Firestone. |
May 6 | It is easier to climb the hills when you pack light. |
May 10 | Joining a bike club makes riding a fun and social event. |
May 15 | A 200 mile weekend. TOSRV 2001. |
May 21 | Choosing how I will ship my bike to Oregon. |
May 24 | Wet bike shoes. |
May 25 | I get asked questions. |
May 26 | Stronger and getting psyched out. |
May 29 | Taking a naked-bike bike ride. |
June 3 | Marietta River Rendezvous |
June 4 | I know I am addicted to bicycling when . . . |
June 6 | A farewell from my renewal sisters |
June 7 | Trying to stay mellow this last week. |
June 11 | Bike Club riders and getting my bike ready - PHOTOS |